What drives you?

Nothing is more important to me that the people in my life, my friends and family. I think this can be said to be true for most people. lol The greatest gift my business have given me is more quality time with my family! In addition to the extra income that has allowed us to take more trips and grab better seats, I'm available for all the big events in their lives! As a teacher, I would miss their first day of school every year and couldn't attend field trips or even be there for afterschool pickup. When we decided that I should stay home and be a fulltime Mom, we had to sacrifice some of the little extras. Now we have the best of all worlds and that in itself has brought me tremendous joy!!

The second blessing my business has given me is one that I didn't even know I needed!! I have been fortunate to have many wonderful people in my life over the years. When I discovered this business I was at a time when my boys were about to graduate and age out of their minor sports. I didn't realize it but I had been drifting away from alot of the people I has spent most of my last decade with. Joining this company and especially this team has given me some of the greatest friendships I have ever know. These people are truly my family. We are all sisters in business but without the usual competition that exists between siblings. We are all genuinely here to support and lift one another!! The love and acceptance I have found is inspiring to say the least. I am beyond grateful everyday!

When you hear the words peace, joy and freedom, what do you think? How do you feel? This journey has provided me more opportunity for personal growth than I ever found as a teacher. Each day I take small steps towards becoming my best self and living my best life. Nothing happens overnight and I am so grateful to have both the vision and the skills and accountability to work towards my goals in little bite sized pieces in the time that I have available. I've been here making mistakes for over five years so I know what doesn't work. Sharing what does and teaching others how to do the same is most definitely the best thing in the world!

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